Standardvertragsklauseln - Beschlüsse des Art. 31 Ausschusses ohne inhaltliche Änderungen an den Klauseln

von Barbara Schmitz, veröffentlicht am 18.11.2016
|2734 Aufrufe

Der Art. 31 Ausschuss hat am 15.11.16 u.a. über den Beschlussentwurf der Kommission zur Anpassung der Standardvertragsklauseln beraten. Die Artikel 4 der Beschlüsse 2001/497/EC (controller/controller) und 2010/87/EC (controller/processor) wurden geändert. Hier geht es um die Befugnis der Aufsichtsbehörden bei der Entscheidung über den Datentransfer in Drittländer. Die bisher aufgeführten Bedingungen für die Versagung des Datentransfers wurden gestrichen und ersetzt durch eine Regelung, wonach ein Kohärenzverfahren einzuleiten ist, wenn eine Aufsichtsbehörde von ihrem Versagungsrecht Gebrauch machen will. Nachstehend der Entwurfstext und der Text des Artikel 4 des 2010/87/EC Beschlusses:


Article 4

Whenever the competent authorities in Member States exercise their powers pursuant to Article 28(3) of Directive 95/46/EC leading to the suspension or definitive ban of data flows to third countries in order to protect individuals with regard to the processing of their personal data, the Member State concerned shall, without delay, inform the Commission, which will forward the information to the other Member States.


Article 4

1. Without prejudice to their powers to take action to ensure compliance with national provisions adopted pursuant to Chapters II, III, V and VI of Directive 95/46/EC, the competent authorities in the Member States may exercise their existing powers to prohibit or suspend data flows to third countries in order to protect individuals with regard to the processing of their personal data in cases where:

(a) it is established that the law to which the data importer or a sub-processor is subject imposes upon him requirements to derogate from the applicable data protection law which go beyond the restrictions necessary in a democratic society as provided for in Article 13 of Directive 95/46/EC where those requirements are likely to have a substantial adverse effect on the guarantees provided by the applicable data protection law and the standard contractual clauses;

(b) a competent authority has established that the data importer or a sub-processor has not respected the standard contractual clauses in the Annex; or

(c) there is a substantial likelihood that the standard contractual clauses in the Annex are not being or will not be complied with and the continuing transfer would create an imminent risk of grave harm to the data subjects.

2. The prohibition or suspension pursuant to paragraph 1 shall be lifted as soon as the reasons for the suspension or prohibition no longer exist.

3. When Member States adopt measures pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2, they shall, without delay, inform the Commission which will forward the information to the other Member States.

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