BREAKING NEWS: E.O. für TADPF am 3.10.2022

von Barbara Schmitz, veröffentlicht am 27.09.2022
Rechtsgebiete: Datenschutzrecht1|2239 Aufrufe

Laut Politico soll es am 3.10.2022 mit einer executive order (E.O.) in die nächste Runde zum TADPF (EU-US Transfer) gehen.

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Im Newsletter Digital Bridge by Politico vom 29.9.2022 überlegt Mark Scott, was in der E.O. geregelt sein wird:

  • First, the basics. The White House decree is expected to outline further restrictions on how American national security agencies access both European and U.S. citizens’ data via some new “necessary and proportionate” standard, based on four individuals involved in the talks, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. There’ll be a new regulatory oversight board via the U.S. Department of Justice for Europeans to seek legal redress if they believe their personal information has been used illegally.

was nach der E.O. passieren könnte/wird:

  • Next, the Commission (with help from EU countries) will have up to six months to ratify the executive order via the bloc’s internal rules. Local politicians will weigh in, mostly to accuse Washington of abusing EU rights — though their views don’t count when it comes to approval. EU privacy watchdogs, too, will make their views known, again via nonbinding opinions. Whatever happens, the final so-called Privacy Shield 2.0 agreement will likely be challenged in court, meaning the deal could be null and void within another two years.

und eine kritische Betrachtung der aktuellen transatlantischen Datenschutz-Diskussion:

  • One thing is clear: The current system is broken. There are legitimate differences between how Europe and the U.S. handle privacy via their separate legal systems. But if Brussels can’t find a way to work with Washington on this fundamental building block of the global trading regime, you have to ask whether the current rules — in which the EU alone determines which countries are seen as “adequate” in offering its citizens equivalent privacy standards — are fit for purpose. FWIW, almost all countries worldwide are not adequate.






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